Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday Tips: Listening Well

Do You Hear What I Hear?

When a client meets with an attorney for the first time, the client is often stressed and emotional.  That's natural. Many clients have later reported that they can't remember what was said or done at the meeting.

If you're that client, what can you do?  There are several things you can try.

  • Make a list of questions and issues before the meeting.
  • Tell the attorney that you are nervous and may need help keeping everything straight.
  • Make detailed notes of the discussion. 
  • Put away your phone so you aren't interrupted.  
  • Concentrate on the discussions we are having.
  • Ask questions and get clarifications as you go.
  • At the end, review the issues and answers with the attorney.
If you really work on your listening skills, it will help you achieve whatever legal goals you have in mind.  (Of course, you will have to act on the discussions as well.)  Good luck!


  1. This is a great list. As a client, I think being organized is the best way to get the most from an attorney. If you are prepared for discussions and can give good information, your attorney will be able to help you more effectively. http://www.alanruderlaw.com/Services.html

  2. Great point about listening well. I agree that clients are often times stressed when visiting an attorney. People don't visit an attorney because everything is going well in their lives! Thanks for taking the time to write this and stressing the importance of being a good listener.

  3. Dick, I like the idea of making questions to ask before going into the meeting. The client is often stressed and emotional the first time they meet with an attorney. If this is true for you, then just tell the attorney that you are nervous and may need help keeping everything straight. http://www.mirawhitelaw.com

  4. I agree that it's extremely important to listen to what they attorney has to say. Although they may be stressed and full of emotion, it's important to understand the process and what is going to happen. I've never had to hire a divorce attorney before but I'll have to remember this just in case I ever do. I think it would be really beneficial for me and as well as my attorney. http://divorcelawyerwestbend.com

  5. These are some really great tips! When my sister was meeting with her lawyer in the middle of her divorce, she often found herself getting flustered and confusing information because it was such a stressful situation. Making a list before you meet seems like a great way to help you keep the information straight. I'm sure my sister would have benefited from taking the time to write down questions and things for discussion. http://www.buchelawlv.com/services.html

  6. This is great information for anyone that is nervous about going to court for the first time. I know that if I was in a situation that possibly could involve divorce that I would be a little distraught as well as nervous. Making that known to the lawyer sounds like a great idea. Thank you for sharing. http://www.littlefallslaw.com
