Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I Don't Want to Use Mediation!

Both kids and adults usually don't like to be forced to do something they don't want to do. If you're an adult dealing with children, you know sometimes you need to force the children to do things that really are beneficial for the children.

That happens all the time for adults going through divorce. Your attorney or the court or the other attorney may tell you that you have to do certain things you don't really want to do.

Sometimes, one of those things is attending medication. There are many objections, such as the cost, taking time off work or you "know" it won't work. But those objections are easily overruled by a court system that now favors mediation as an intermediate step before going to trial.

The simple answer is that you usually have to do mediation regardless of your preferences, but there is some good news. The process usually works. 

Here are some benefits of using mediation:

1.  It's faster than waiting for a trial date. Mediation can usually be scheduled within 1-2 months.  Trials are usually set 6-9 months out.

2.  It's usually cheaper than a trial.  It takes a whole lot less time to prepare for a mediation than to prepare for a trial. That translates into  a big savings for you.

3.  You get to make the decision. When you and the other party reach an agreement, that becomes the final agreement. If you go to court, you turn over all the decision making to the judge who may or may not like you and your ideas. Most people prefer to make their own decisions.

4.  Privacy. Many people prefer to keep their private business, including finances, out of the public view. Mediation is confidential and done in privacy, usually away from the courthouse. Trials are open to the public and you never know who may show up.

5.  Informality. Because mediation takes place at someone's office, things can be a lot more casual. You also don't have to jump through hoops to introduce evidence. You tell or show the mediator anything. Everyone is a lot more comfortable meeting informally with the mediator, rather than following standard courtroom and evidence procedures.

Most attorneys understand that mediation usually settles cases and that it is good for their clients.  Talk to your attorney if you have doubts or if you're just in a hurry to get to court. Mediation is the better path in most cases.

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